Fuel PHP Framework

 FuelPHP is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure that was planned starting from the earliest stage to have full help for HMVC as a feature of its engineering.

Be that as it may, we didn't stop there, we likewise added ViewModels (otherwise called introduction models) in with the general mish-mash which gives you the choice to add a ground-breaking layer between the Controller and the View.

FuelPHP additionally bolsters a more switch based methodology where you may course straightforwardly to a conclusion which manages the info URI, making the conclusion the regulator and giving it control of additional execution. 


FuelPHP - Features

FuelPHP offers a great deal of highlights to make an undeniable web application. It gives adaptable segments, basic design, simple to-utilize ORM, REST-based application advancement mode, and so forth Following are a portion of the striking highlights

  • Adaptable and network driven web structure
  • Simple to design and utilize
  • FuelPHP is incredibly convenient, deals with practically any worker
  • Adaptable URI steering framework.
  • FuelPHP gives RESTful API advancement uphold.
  • Lightweight ORM model.
  • Information sifting and forestalls SQL infusion.
  • Secure verification and approval system.
  • Code reusable and simpler to keep up.

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